Maria Friedman and Friends (tufts)

Tony Award nominee and 4-time Olivier Award winner Maria Friedman performed songs from her life and stories about she got to where she is now, supported by members of the Tufts University community, generously supported by Perry and Marty Granoff. This concert’s staging was adapted from a previous concert earlier the same month at the Hudson Theatre on Broadway, directed by Christopher Gattelli and associate directed by Ryan Dobrin.

Starring Maria Friedman
Re-Staging Direction by Ryan Dobrin
Pianist/Music Director: Theo Jamieson
Lighting Design: Carolyn Wong

Ensemble: June Beiser, Ken Crossman, Thomas Grant, Aidan Jackson, Bella Juhaeri, Tess Kaplan, Aliza Kibel, Suzie Nania, David Palamar, Joe Peterson, Aubrey Sacks, Katie Spiropoulous

Concert: March 2024, Tufts University