digital directing work (2020-2021)

you and me and the space between
by Jack Spagnola
Directed by Ryan Dobrin
Featuring: Mark Feuerstein & Michaela Watkins
Virtual Designer: Cecilia A. Dalceggio
Original Music by Chris Peters
Produced by Playdate Theatre
July 2020
Press: Jewish Journal, Extra TV, Broadway World
Performance available upon request

marjorie prime
by Jordan Harrison
Directed by Ryan Dobrin
Featuring: Sanskar Agarwal, Lena Iacobucci, Olivia Ray, & Nick Salem
Sound Designer & Composer: Caroline Eng
Production Stage Manager: Elizabeth Robbins
Assistant Stage Manager: Isha Lal
New York University: Experimental Theatre Wing
March 2021

dinner with the parkers
by Kiana English
Directed by Ryan Dobrin
Featuring: Malik Childs, Angela LaRose, Jessica Natalie Smith, & Zoë Sher
Producer: Narissa Agustin
24 Hour Plays: Nationals
August 2020
Press: American Theatre, Broadway World, Playbill
Available to watch in full here.